DrillSage, LLC

Simply stated: Experience. Founders and Software Developers have decades of drilling and IT experience directly in the Oil and Gas sector. That includes extensive global drilling engineering experience, real time system development, remote center management and monitoring, as well as global hands-on experience in multiple environments.

Principally RTAS™ and DDForensics.


An acronym for the Real Time Advisory System.

Yes, since RTAS is designed on engineering physical principles so the drilling environment or location is immaterial and the results consistent and repeatable.

Provides forward looking , proactive analysis of the wellbore using any WITSML real time data stream.

Mitigating unsafe and non-productive wellbore hazardous operating conditions before they become costly lost-time incidents. Cost benefits go directly to the balance sheet bottom line. (See also ALT).

Yes, in a sense, because drilling cannot be truly optimized and/or sustained without ensuring wellbore stability first.

Yes. Models and MSE can be customized and developed. Virtually any track of data can be imported, integrated, and used for custom analysis specific to operations. An industry first.

No, however certain rig control functions like control pressure drilling digital parameters can be imported and analyzed. Special tests data such as BOP, LOT/FIT can also be templated. An industry first.

No. RTAS was designed to integrate geoscience data and support integrated Asset Teams:  LWD/directional/surveys, Pore Pressure/Fracture Gradient into a synergistic, simultaneous screens design premise. An industry first.

No. Big Data presumes some degree of uniformity in drilling environments. At DrillSage, LLC we know that the subsurface environment is immensely complex and heterogeneous, and no two wells are ever the same, even direct offsets. We also believe that hypothetical Big Data comparisons and statistical driven presumptions based on statistics alone usually lead to suboptimum outcomes in drilling performance and safety.

Big Data may be able to provide estimates of ranges of various potential boundary conditions that may serve as input to the RTAS system.

RTAS should ride on top of any automated system. Unless a wellbore is stable and remains stable, AI cannot be expected to ensure either reliability or process safety.

RTAS began with a clean-sheet design premise with the goal of managing drilling hazards, not merely performance or optimization. RTAS was designed from decades of experience in monitoring centers and responding to immediate needs for flexibility in system analysis capability – including function, scope, flexibility, and supportability.

Barrier loss or gain, barrier management, cuttings loading, ballooning, stuck pipe, and kicks. RTAS also provides for alarm management for Gains/Losses, volumes, torque and other real time pressure and volume related alarms features in two ways: “Watches and Alarms”. An industry first.

Watches notify of evolving hazards as they begin to occur when the engineering principles and subsurface behaviors are conducive for the development of a hazard. This amounts to providing situational awareness. Alarms on the other hand are reactive and relate to preset UI interface of tolerable, safe values such as a pit gains or dangerous gas levels.

RTAS architecture and functions are based solely on irrefutable principles of deterministic principles of engineering and physics.

RTAS is vendor neutral and can run on any WITSML stream. RTAS a cloud-based internet system, deployable in a client environment, on a wellsite, or in the cloud.

Yes. Customization can depend on use, such as module specifically for the drilling contractors, or operators. And digital data can be imported and synchronized by depth into the RTAS workflow. This includes and customary digitized models such as Hydraulics, Torque and Drag, Swab and Surge. An industry first.

Yes, for example “ballooning”, or any other fingerprint that can be digitized. Other examples are analogue imports synchronized on depth of Dexponents calculations as well as cuttings characterization signatures. All industry first.

Yes. Especially regarding the safe drilling margin synchronized with geoscience data such as Pore Pressure and Fracture gradient, whether drilling or tripping.

Yes. The RTAS application recognizes that most hazards occur while tripping tubulars.

Yes, and this is a special feature. Through RTAS alarm management system, real time updates occur as to trip sheets and anomalies as they occur. An industry first.

Yes, RTAS uses 256-bit encryption plus salt/hash to store user information and passwords: Authentication and Authorization, Database requiring stored User/Disciplinary Group ID’s, Group based permissions.

Yes, and stage level identified for stage-gated real-time notifications to specific users specified by operator and/or contractor.

Avoidable Lost Time is a proactive Key Performance Indicator (KPI). Historically, the industry has a need for a metrics that proactively measure time wasted on the critical path. Avoidable Lost Time® – ALT® is a new, unique measurement that represents the totality of elapsed time from first proactive watch of an evolving hazard, until the watch condition is corrected, or the event actually occurs, plus the time to return to the critical path of the well plan.

ALT or wasted time is as much as 50% of total time spent in some environments. Reducing elapsed time to react to an evolving hazard saves an enormous amount of time and money, not to mention the unwanted consequences such as stuck pipe sidetracks or even loss of wellbore, not to mention the HES impacts.

On a license basis, or pre well application fee.

Drilling Forensics

RTAS brings historical WITSML data to life. Any historical data stream can be compiled to CSV data. RTAS has the capability of replaying old data to analyze past events and provide information for future planning: Lesson and root cause analysis. An industry first.

By identifying past hazards how, and why they occurred, and applying to both design and execution premises going forward. DDForensics also supports training in a fast forward replay mode for actual well simulation. An industry first.

On a per well, project basis of license basis.




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